Hello! I have been thinking about how to stay in business. I had a job interview last week for a part time job. I also have been thinking of different ways to monetize, which will be revealed on my new website.
Until then, and I rarely ask, here are a few ways you can help ADS continue our mission:
- RT tweets by ADS and Share from the Facebook page – every little bit will help bring audience development awareness to new people. Please see my connect information in the signature of my posts.
- Buy my eBook. I figured that if everyone I am connected with were to buy my eBook at the low price of $3.99, I would have a salary for 8-10 months.
- Purchase a $5 webinar. I have two to choose from:
Classical Music: The challenges of making the affection clear
The conversation continues with, John Steinmetz, all around musician and educator. People get involved with music because they love it, yet too often the love is not clear enough. Musicians get distracted by technical perfection, administrators get distracted by all the responsibilities, and our way of writing and talking about music is often dry. How can we as an industry, as musicians, show and share the love again before the stuffiness of protocol buries us.Top 20 Tips for Increasing Everything!
Shoshana is back to share her favorite Top 20 tips for audience development. Enjoy this recorded webinar for a reminder of simple, common sense ideas that are not being commonly practiced. Implementing just one of these ideas will help you to build your audiences and support! - Donate to ADS. We are not nonprofit, but your donation will help us to continue our project development and free offerings.
- Buy from our ADS Store!
Thank you for considering supporting ADS. I appreciate you more than you know!
PS The Getty Images update – they dropped the case! I found an article that shares a letter format to use, and it worked!
Have a great weekend!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Audience Development Specialists
“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart
Please consider supporting ADS so we can continue our work. Donate here!
Of course you can hire ADS too to help you build your audiences and increase ticket purchases, art purchases, volunteers, donors, members, etc.! ;O)