Audience Development Specialists hosts Brainstorming Sessions on the Google+ Hangout platform. Each session has the opportunity for 9 people to get together with Shoshana Fanizza, Founder of Audience Development Specialists. We will be brainstorming ideas and solutions for current questions and challenges you may be having concerning building your audience.
Normally a session with Shoshana is anywhere between $55-$75, but for these group sessions, we are trying out a sliding scale fee from $2-$20.
This is your chance to pick Shoshana’s brain and work with a team of people to help you to build your audience. Plus, Shoshana has never left a session without A-HA! moments or a “That’s a great idea!” Sign-up today for the probability of your own A-HA! moment.
Your best days and times will help us to schedule the date. Each session is available for 2-9 people. Number of sessions per month will be determined by number of sign-ups per month.
The next session will be announced after 2 people have signed up! We are now accepting registration for January 2015…
Enjoy the following webinar hosted on the Google+ Hangout platform: