I haven’t forgotten about the giving program I started end of September. Have you? As you recall, my first gift was a donation to Drew McManus for his Adaptistration wisdom. To remind you about this program, I am choosing bloggers, consultants, and information mavens that are making a difference in our industry and either donating to them, providing shout outs, or buying one of their offerings.
This month, I bought the eBook Marketing the Arts to Death by my friend and colleague, Trevor O’Donnell. His belief is that we keep using the fluffy, non-descript language that gives no clue as to what we are really about. I agree with him here, and I am looking forward to reading his book completely. At times he can be a little edgy with his comments, but I know it is due to wanting to wake us up to a better way of communicating our arts. I don’t always agree with Trevor, yet his posts and ideas are thought provoking and have proved to be a catalyst for my own thoughts and ideas.
Consider purchasing his book! He writes in a very down to earth manner, similar to myself, so you will enjoy his musings and be mainly entertained by his examples.
I hope you are attempting a giving program as well. Let me know what you have been up to!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Founder & Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
PS – What do you think of my new website?
Getting an audience is hard. Sustaining an audience is hard. It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, and of action over a long period of time.
~Bruce Springsteen