You might recall my post about doing press releases the audience development way. This past week, I have been on the receiving end of press releases and guest blog requests, and my message is ringing truer than ever!
I applaud the efforts of the individual emails I am receiving, however, a few of these inquiries do not match the mission of my blog. They did not do their homework to suggest article angles that match my niche, which of course as you know is audience development and arts management.
I sometimes send a response back to suggest a possible storyline for them to pursue if they are interested in guest posting.
You have to realize that the majority of the media will not take the time to do this for you.
Do yourself a huge favor and do your audience development research before submitting a press release. What niche does the blog, magazine, newspaper, news station have in your community? What types of stories are they interested in including? Either figure out an angle that matches their needs, or only submit to outlets that are a good fit. Otherwise you are wasting everyone’s time without building your audiences.
Taking the time, ahead of time, to understand the backgrounds of your media options will build your audiences!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, ADS
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