I am working with the Opera on Tap Colorado folks to help with their brand new Mini Festival of Mini Operas. I was in need of content for social media, and I asked Eve Orenstein, their Director, for a quick video explaining the how and why she came up with this festival concept. She did this video quickly and efficiently using her computer, and sent me the file this morning. Wahla! I now have a video to put out there into the universe for this event!
Videos do not have to be complicated, or super duper produced in order to get your point across. You can make simple, clean videos to use that will speak to your audiences.
Here is the video – very simple, clean, to the point!
So, start posting videos about the event and create this type of content to get people interested!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists