Hi all,
Happy Friday to you! I wanted to open up the Ask Shoshana bin again. I am working on weekly podcast ideas, and I want to invite you to send me a message to be used as a segment. You can ask any question that is audience development related. Sending me the message means you are okay with being a part of the podcast!
There are several ways you can get in touch with me:
- Send me an email ADS(at)buildmyaudience(dot)com.
- Send a message via the contact page!
- Send me a VM on my SpeakPipe page.
- Call and leave a VM: 720-722-4237
In all cases, make sure you leave your name, organization, question or comment.
I also want to leave you thoughts to simmer for the weekend. I recently went to a local panel hosted by the Boulder County Arts Alliance’s Boulder Arts Leadership Forum. They discussed what is relevance and what makes art relevant. It was a fascinating conversation. From thoughts of providing awareness to what is happening in the world, arts as solutions, or simply what speaks personally to us, relevance was discussed fully. Everyone on the panel saw the value of creating relevant art. Some feel that it is okay to produce art that speaks from your own heart and mind, without worrying about how other people receive it.
I had a burning comment that I kept from being spoken as to not disrupt the flow of the conversation, because it might have taken the topic in a different direction. It was lightly touched upon when some of them stated that relevance was absolutely necessary today and artists need to step up to do their part.
My thought is, is relevance interchangeable with being valued? In a time when the arts are fighting to be valued so no one cuts funding and instead have increased support, is relevancy needed for perceived value?
I would say that in order for us to be part of the community human fabric of life again, and to be recognized as such, it would be good to be relevant now. Arts can be a solution to challenges in our world. We can bring awareness to challenges and inspire people to take action. The more we can insert ourselves in every day lives in a meaningful way, the more people will value the arts again. And, the less of a battle it will be when funding the arts is a question. If we create value, perhaps the question will never ever again come up since people will be on board for supporting the arts fully.
Please do send your thoughts about this issue. Feel free to use the different channels to get in touch with me. There is no arts march scheduled, but perhaps through continuing this conversation and getting more artists and organizations aligned with this thought, the arts can once again be a forethought instead of an afterthought.
Have a great weekend, and I will see you on the flip side!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
I am currently working on a set of new books. Exciting! Until then…
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