I was having a conversation last night with another arts marketer, and he mentioned that he worked for a bigger organization that was not able to work out the new branding due to monetary concerns. I was surprised to hear this. I mainly work with smaller to mid-sized organizations, and in each case of re-branding I have done, we were able to mission accomplish.
I also recall going to a presentation that mentioned “don’t let the budget concerns stop you,” meaning, use creativity to get the job done well. You don’t always need the biggest budget ever to get a campaign to work. The presentation was about community outreach programs, and the idea that sometimes the least expensive efforts have carried the most involvement and buzz.
So the thought occurred to me. Sometimes a scrappy attitude is best! There is less red tape, more reliance on creativity, bigger determination, and it usually is paired with a community, team spirit to get the job done.
What campaigns and programs are you putting off due to monetary concerns? Can you apply a little scrappy mentality to get it done? It might be even better than the glitz and glam you had in mind in the first place. Especially if your audiences can feel more involved.
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
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