I finally can share something that I was personally a part of. I am one of seven main people on the Development Committee for the Longmont Performing Arts Initiative. Maybe you have heard through my posts on social media, we embarked on raising $75,000 in 75 days in order to fund half of the feasibility study (phase one) for a Longmont performing arts and convention center.
We had many successes along the way, which included two successful matching campaigns, two restaurant fundraisers, and a great deal of community outreach which grouped interested people to get excited about the possibilities. We visited City Council and sent out press releases during the campaign, which resulted in some fantastic press in our local papers.
It was a team effort to reach the goal’s finish line!
What really made a difference was the team I was working with, and this is where the theme of this post kicks in! Each of the 7 core people on the committee were enthusiastic, committed, and extremely passionate about reaching this goal. Some of us had good connections, some of us had skills to help reach the community (graphic design, social media, publicity). I brought my audience development philosophy to the table as well.
At the end, we had $14,000 to raise in 3 days. It was amazing how all the good of this team came together to make this happen so quickly. I believe in 24 hours we had the majority of the remaining funds.
This is what can happen when you have super people on your team. Are you surrounding yourself with people of this caliber? Do they have the passion to get you across the finish line?
After going through this amazing experience, I am so grateful for the community support we have. Most of all, I am super thankful for being a part of this development team. It was the charge I have been looking for to get super excited again about life in general.
Surrounding yourself with amazing people that want to do good is important. With this people power, you can accomplish your dreams!
Cheers to loyal and happy people,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
We definitely used affirmations!
Affirmations for Nonprofits: Best practices for building support!