We interrupt this blog to bring you the following message:
This posting is a follow up to the open letter I posted last week. As mentioned, I am considering the new direction for ADS. In order for ADS to be able to expand services with the ability to bring audience development education to more people, ADS is in need of more resources as well.
As mentioned before, ADS is a for profit consulting firm. Right now, times are tough, and most of the services ADS is providing have been free or minimally charged to help our artists and nonprofit agencies as well.
If you like what ADS is providing – audience development blogs, audience development discussions, grants and other resource links, ARTicles Daily on Twitter, etc., please consider providing a tiny donation to keep ADS running and expanding.
Also, spreading the word that ADS has services that can help educate artists and arts organizations about audience development, will help us tremendously.
In the near future, ADS will be providing more opportunities for online/regional education through webinars, group projects, and regional workshops.
Thank you for your continued support. I appreciate and am thankful for all the participation through feedback, comments, suggestions, and friendship.
Now back to your “regularly scheduled” blog.
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Audience Development Specialists
“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart
How can I make a contribution?
Hi Denis,
Thank you for your reply! You can make a donation by clicking on the “tiny donation” link in the blog post or click on the Donate to support ADS link in the right column.
Here is a shortened link as well:
Thanks again, Denis, and I hope you are doing well in regard to your own audience development adventures!