I’m starting a new series called Monday Minute. These will be short entries based on quick thoughts.
Today I want to talk to you about B.D.A. What is B.D.A.? I go into more detail in my new eBook, but basically it is the complete experience you give to your audiences Before, During, and After your event/offering.
You want the entire experience to be memorable in a good way. If the B is lacking due to terrible marketing or customer service, if the D is is flat and people have a hard time connecting with the art due to lack of creativity, quality or care, if the A is non-existent and you do not follow up after to thank your audiences and/or offer them a thank you “gift,” you will not be giving your audiences your best.
So, are you offering B.D.A.?
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Audience Development Specialists
“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”
~James Stewart
Although we are not a non-profit, if you would like to support ADS to continue our work, you can donate here.
New eBook! The How of Audience Development for the Arts: Learn the Basics, Create Your Plan