To follow up on my last post about organic reach, I realize that being more authentic is not always the easy choice. The decision to be authentic is a tough choice at times since the enactment of being authentic takes more time and effort than simply relying on the old methods, messages and marketing campaigns.
When you are authentic, you are more raw, more naked in the public eye (due to standing out), and this also makes it a more challenging choice.
If you do decide to go authentic, choosing the right words, images, and promotional avenues will take considerably more time to, well, consider.
However, it has been proven that when an organization, business or artist is more authentic, and they communicate in the right way, people rave! Authenticity is heralded in this day and age, mainly due to the fact that it is still rare in many cases. For example, Prince and David Bowie, even during some very different turns in their lives, always remained true to themselves. I think this, along with super talent, is the reason why they stood out among the many.
We love to take the easy route, of remaining with the crowd and the old methods, to attempt to save time and money, but when all is said and done, you may not be gaining what you want from all of the savings.
In the end, has not being authentic really saved you anything?
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, ADS