I had a quick thought to share based out of my conversation…
I had a quick thought to share based out of my conversation…
A quick thought for the day! It is good to find the promotional sweet spot in regards to timing. When should you start promoting an event? Here are some factors to consider: Most events need 6-8 weeks in general for ultimate success. The more expensive an event is and the more commitment required (perhaps it…
It’s been a while since I have read an article about entry points. I think it is a concept that would be good to revisit every season during your planning stages. Just as a quick reminder, here are some questions to consider while figuring out entry points (programs to get people connected to you at…
Today I will be focusing on going the extra mile for your…
I just received the typical marketing email from an arts center. It had all the upcoming events on one email, and it will take time to sift through it to find what I would like out of this extensive list. It has already been proven, a consumer psychology fact, that too many choices lead a…
Join Shoshana as she dives into acquisition costs for audience members and…
Please forgive me if I mentioned this thought before. I am seeing that people sometimes focus on the forest more than the trees, which can prevent them from getting started on something important, such as audience development. It is great to have a big picture in your head, but it can get overwhelming with thinking…
Hi all, Happy Friday to you! I wanted to open up the Ask Shoshana bin again. I am working on weekly podcast ideas, and I want to invite you to send me a message to be used as a segment. You can ask any question that is audience development related. Sending me the message means…
For the month of April, I will be discussing my ideas regarding using…
I am starting to do social media for another account, and what I see currently on their Facebook page are marketing posts for their events that are either sent from their eNewsletter service or reposts of their Facebook Events. In looking at the analysis, they are getting less than 8% of a reach. It may…