I wanted to reiterate a thought since inclusion is a hot topic currently. A few years back, I declared that if you want diversity, you will want to diversify your own life. In the same spirit, inclusion will best be reached when you act inclusively.
The statements of being inclusive is not enough. You have to live it!
How are you being more inclusive in your life? How are you being an open invitation to people of all ages, backgrounds, etc.?
The only way we will start seeing audiences that reflect inclusiveness is if we ourselves are inclusive in everything that we do. Outreach with inclusiveness in mind. Market with inclusiveness in mind (too targeted will produce audience gaps). Be with an inclusive mentality.
It’s time to let the world in!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
Happy Holidays to you! Changes are coming and will be broadcast soon!