Why is audience development important for fund raising? Because on a day like today, and on days like #GivingTuesday, you will want to stand out from the crowd.
Today is Colorado Gives Day. This week I have had around 20 emails ahead of time, and this morning, I have had 30 emails, and it isn’t even Noon yet. Everyone is asking for money!
As I mentioned before, we are likely to give more often and at bigger amounts to organizations (to people) that we have better relationships with. This is why audience development is so important for the fund raising team of your organization!
I can’t say it enough. People give to organizations they feel for, but they give bigger to organizations and people that they know, that they have a relationship with. They give the most to the ones that have a deeper relationship with them.
So, I will sift through all the emails today, and I will be ranking them in order to make my final decisions. I am like everyone else, and the organizations/artists that I am more bonded with will receive.
Make time to get to know people. They will then make time and money for you!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences (and donors),
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
Stay tuned for an audience builder special!