Fabulous Friday to you! I might create a podcast for these thoughts, but I wanted to share so there is time to simmer before creating further.
Learning something new, such as audience development, will take a little more time than what you are familiar with. The good news is, once it is familiar and becomes a little more comfortable, the time will fly!
I once had a client who slid back to the familiar marketing with ads, eBlasts, Facebook ads, etc. I am not saying that these marketing components do not have a place in your plans, however, with the inundation we receive, these will often get ignored now. Once he slid back, he found that his audiences dwindled. He was used to getting full to sold out shows with our plan. He called me. “What happened?” I asked him what he was now doing. Was he using the plan? No, he slid back into the typical marketing of eBlast here, FB ad there.
It is time to pinch ourselves and allow us to be uncomfortable as we charter our time and energy to the new and different efforts of audience development (in some cases, they are old fashioned efforts to be learned again). After you get the hang of doing relationship building tasks (not just placing an advertisement here and there), you will see different results. It’s the Einstein theory. We will not be able to get out of the marketing mayhem unless we take ourselves out of it first.
If we do not connect on a more organic, authentic level, how do we expect our audiences to connect back to us?
Let’s wake up from the mayhem, and do something new and a little uncomfortable to create different results. What are the different results? Happy and loyal audiences!
Cheers to that!
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
Top 20 Tips for Increasing Everything Webinar
Shoshana is back to share her favorite Top 20 tips for audience development. Enjoy this recorded webinar for a reminder of simple, common sense ideas that are not being commonly practiced. Implementing just one of these ideas will help you to build your audiences and support!
Get access to this webinar here!