Happy Friday to you! I was having a quick email conversation with one of my friends at a local newspaper publication, and he mentioned that he could not understand why headshots of artists are usually outdated, sometimes by 10 years! It is the nature of our business, I guess, but he has point that the audience will show up and see someone that does not look like that anymore.
I wonder if this puzzles audience members or if any of them feel that it was bait and switch marketing.
Thoughts? Have a great weekend!
Cheers to happy and loyal audiences,
Shoshana Fanizza
Chief Audience Builder, Audience Development Specialists
Classical Music: The challenges of making the affection clear webinar
The conversation continues with, John Steinmetz, all around musician and educator. People get involved with music because they love it, yet too often the love is not clear enough. Musicians get distracted by technical perfection, administrators get distracted by all the responsibilities, and our way of writing and talking about music is often dry. How can we as an industry, as musicians, show and share the love again before the stuffiness of protocol buries us.